- All greens are in play and grass is healthy, strong and filling in
- Tees and fairways in good condition
- Rough thick and healthy
- Greens verticut, and topdressed three times
- Damaged greens spiked and seeded
- Sod installed on bunker on 15
- Sod installed on 13 right bunker
- Edges of ponds topped up with stone
- Cart path only signs placed on all par 3 holes
- Ropes placed around 11 green to reduce cart traffic
- Placed ropes and chains on 18 adjacent to cottages
- Brush removal to the right of 18 green
- Inspected all Bunker’s for consistent sand depths and topped up where needed
- Tree pruning on 1,9,10,18
- Sod beside cart path at 7 tee and 12 green
- Added screenings to the end of each cart path and along number 8 green
- Checked rotation and proper trajectory of all greenside sprinkler heads
- Graded all non asphalt pathways on golf course
Moving Forward
- Greens heights have been lowered and we will be concentrating on green speeds
- Construction is complete on 15 bunker – to be in play soon
- Greens will now be rolled on a consistent basis
- Gardens will be planted with more annual
- Nursery to be constructed between 15 tee and 17 fairway