Thursday, 6 June 2013

Tee Construction

Due to the small size and not being level we have constructed a new tee on the 16th hole. We now have 3X the size and lots more options for angle and depth to the green. The main construction happened last fall with sod being installed this spring. 
The original look of the tee.

Due to the later start to the season we were finally able to sod three weeks ago. 

We installed 4 extra sprinklers to insure proper coverage while watering.

6 days after sod installed it had been cut.

Rolling to help smooth out the surface.

We are cutting it a higher height of cut and will be topdressing weekly to help level up seems. Extra fertilizer will be added to help build up some strength before it is opened.
With the weather cooperating the tee should be in play by the end of the month.